from me
Private Parenting Consultations
Individualized guidance to make sense of all those books, courses, and social media content you’re inspired (but also overwhelmed!) by.
Get the support you need to navigate your child’s tricky behavior and big emotions, establish a positive brain-based discipline approach, and the knowledge you deserve to nurture your child’s healthy socio-emotional development in a way that makes sense for your unique child and your family.
My approach is grounded on empowering the wonderful parent you already are, and meeting you where you are, with evidence-based tools and strategies to strengthen your journey.
My work with parents is informed by my graduate training in Clinical Psychology, and almost a decade of experience supporting children and families using an evidence-based discipline and parenting approach as a licensed psychotherapist and pediatric psychosocial research professional.
And yes, always with Montessori principles in mind as powerful tools to support healthy emotional development from within your home in early childhood, and beyond.
Consultas también disponibles en Español
There are no hacks…
A child’s autonomy, self-discipline, self-regulation, and collaboration (all those things you may be struggling with) are skills that develop gradually, not challenges that can be quickly “fixed” by simply following the steps from a social media post. No hack or quick strategies will work unless you understand the stage of your child’s brain development, and learn how to navigate discipline as a life-long relationship of collaboration and mutual respect, guiding their journey as a prepared leader.
My goal is not to just pass on a couple of parenting strategies for a specific challenge but to nurture a research-informed mindset that supports your journey with your young child, and your continued learning beyond our work together.
Informed not just by my expertise and experience, but by a personalized approach that considers the unique family, cultural, and school values.
Where Montessori fits into Parenting and
socio-emotional development
As a behavioral health professional, I consider the Montessori method an invaluable approach that offers educators and parents alike powerful tools to support any child’s healthy emotional development—both at school and within the home.
Not with specific toys, shelves, or materials, but through awareness of yourself as the most important element in the home to support healthy emotional development. A former Montessori student myself, I now integrate this philosophy and approach as a parent and have obtained formal certification from the Prepared Montessorian Institute for implementing the Montessori philosophy in the home, along with an international certification as a Positive Discipline educator from the Positive Discipline Association.
My support involves Montessori-aligned guidance that helps you navigate big emotions, tricky behavior, and emotional development in the early years with an overarching respect for your child as a capable learner in the process. Bringing to your home the science of what makes Montessori principles a powerful tool to support your child’s socio-emotional skill-building.
All parenting consultations begin with a complimentary, commitment-free 15-minute call
so you can get all your questions answered and determine if private consultations are the right support for you.
*Parent consultations are not therapy or a substitute for behavioral health services or diagnosis. Consultations are short-term, strength-based collaborations focused on educating and empowering parents and caregivers with tools tailored to the specific needs of the family.
Explore the many ways to get support
Private consultation
Single session
$180 USD
One full session helps us develop a personalized plan to support your current challenge and learning journey, and what positive parenting can look like in your home to address your biggest concern. Through this session you:
Gain clarity about your child’s stage of development and how to support it
Learn the role of your home environment and routine in supporting the process or nurturing emotional development, cooperation, behavior, and more in your home.
Leave with the steps needed to empower specific aspects of your own role as a parent in the process (with notes to take home!).
One (1) 90-minute session to discuss your biggest concern and offer you strategies with a path to move forward, whether it is a tricky situation with your child, big emotions, or simply learning how to make positive parenting a reality in your home.
Post-consultation notes summarizing personalized strategies and the plan after your session and related resources.
One email exchange for related questions up to 2 weeks after the consultation.
Discounts for future consultations as an “existing client”.
Private consultation
Bundle - 3 sessions
This is the space where you get not only clarity, perspective, and the tools to move forward, but also the space for guided practice and follow-up as you apply all the tools at home. All with an approach personalized to your child and family, and adjusted as needed in the process.
$459 USD - (15% off per session)
Includes three (3) 50-minute sessions to discuss and develop strategies to address your biggest concerns and reach the goals you have for your family.
We space out sessions over the course of 60 days to offer you the opportunity to implement strategies and together assess progress and the need for adjustments to support your goals at home (unused sessions expire after 60 days).
Post-consultation notes with personalized strategies and plan after each session
Unlimited availability in between coaching calls via email for related questions
Discounts for future consultations as an “existing client”.
Follow-up sessions
Bundle - 3 for existing clients
Book additional sessions at any time!
$149 USD
Whether your family is facing a new challenge, or you simply need to adjust the foundational principles we discussed to a new stage of development—it’s easy to connect again to figure it all out.
You are not alone
Invest in your growth as a parent
Maybe you are struggling with a discipline challenge, or simply want to build a good foundation to build a respectful relationship and connection with your child, while ensuring you are following evidence-based strategies to support their emotional development.
Here are some of the topics other parents have benefited from through 1:1 consults:
Positive Discipline
Fostering independence during toddlerhood
Adjustment to new sibling
Adjustment to new school or home
Autonomy Supportive Parenting
Positive Parenting
Montessori Parenting (beyond the toys and Materials)
Montessori at Home
Respectful Parenting
Emotion regulation skills
New motherhood
Promoting healthy emotional Development
Montessori baby
Montessori toddler
Montessori Discipline
Power struggles
*Parent consultations are not therapy or a substitute for behavioral health services or diagnosis. Consultations are short-term, strength-based collaborations focused on educating and empowering parents and caregivers with tools tailored to the specific needs of the family.
Hi, I’m Blanca,
I’m a licensed professional counselor, a certified positive discipline parent educator, and a professional with over 8 years of focus on evidence-based practices (as a clinician and a researcher). I also hold a certificate for Montessori in the Home from the Prepared Montessorian Institute.
Above all, I am a parent who is right at the trenches with you. I am now pouring all my professional training into empowering parents with science-based tools to support emotional development of young children from within your home. I am sharing everything I have learned through my training, research and have practiced to support other families and my own, to empower your journey at home.
It’s an honor to have you here.